About Us

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

DUNIA Superstore

Dear visitors, good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good day. I am sure it is a beautiful day wherever you are in the world because you are alive and well and any day above ground is a beautiful day. Welcome everyone to our site! 

DUNIA Superstore will not be just a superstore that you see around – it will be more than that. Here customers can be owners just through purchasing its products and services. And ultimately they will own the major share of the business in future! It may unthinkable to you, but it is true. Remember, we are going to change the way of business. It is just a demonstration of the business CONCEPT given by Rathindranath Pal.

However, DUNIA Superstore will do business through physical outlets and e-commerce simultaneously.

DUNIA Superstore is going to start Beta-Testing of software from August 7, 2020.


A document for Beta testers is prepared in Bangla.


It will start first as e-commerce.


According to the CONCEPT of Mr. Pal, this business has many unique features with a very specific objective 'to reducing the inequality gap in ownership of wealth of the world' (which is one of the biggest problems of the world now). You know that ownership of resources of the world has been concentrating to a very few people! That means gap between richer and poorer sections of the society are increasing day by day (To know more about the CONCEPT please visit: https://palsocialbusiness.blogspot.com).


DUNIA Superstore (as business) has 3 major objectives-

1. To make a consumer-friendly shop that will ensure supply of quality products and services at competitive price.

2. To make a profitable business for the investors.

3. To check if the CONCEPT is implementable or not and it’s potential.

To achieve our objectives the entrepreneurs/investors will not take more than 50% profit (it may be reduced if the business become highly profitable and grow super quickly) of the business, and 40% (30% for direct purchase and 10% for referral) profit will be shared with customers. The rest 10% will be given to others. The customers can receive 50% of the money in cash that they are accumulating through 40% share, and the rest 50% must have to invest here in the business to become owners when the next expansion of the business will be happened.

The number of owners of this business will increase as the business grows. There is no fix share of any investor. It will roll on all the time. But investor’s money will increase, I hope exponentially. I hope minimum 1000% growth in the next 5 years.



The business has two tire management systems. Entrepreneur Owners hold the office of First Tire management, and the owners who will join in next time will enjoy the Second Tire management office.

Customers’ Back-page

The most interesting feature of this enterprise is that it has created a separate Back-page for all registered customers, where they can view all the statistics regarding their purchases, allocated share of the profit, share of the profit earned from referrals, qualified amount for withdrawal in cash, etc).


Earning opportunity for all

It will create opportunity for many people (student, unemployed, underemployed, housewife everybody) through its referral and affiliate program (it will be created soon). People can earn from anywhere in the world through our online marketing plan. Anybody from anywhere can earn through referral buyers and can earn money through this business as like as eBay, AMAZON, etc. For details, please contact to: info@dunia1.com .

Distribution of profit


DUNIA Super Store considers the sale margin as profit, as such if it buys a product by TK100 and sells it at TK120 it thinks that it has made TK20 as profit. Therefore, it distributes this TK20 instantly to many receivers.


First, of this sale margin (TK20=100%), 30% (TK6) is sending to a fund namely “Tax and Operating Cost” to meet up operating cost (20%) and tax (10% - is kept to pay income taxes at the end of the fiscal year). After sending that money the remaining sale margin (TK14) is considered as 100% and that is distributed among the parties of this business in the following way instantly.


1.     Entrepreneurs: 50% (TK7.0)

2.     Direct customers: 30% (TK4.2) (when this amount will reach at TK1,000 the amount will be divided equally and shown under “Cash Ready for Withdrawal” and “Profit Earned for Investment” fund @50% each.

3.     Referred customers: 10% (TK1.4) (if any customer is not referred by anybody in that case this 10% will be send to a fund namely “Miscellaneous Fund”)

4.     Contingency Fund: 2% (TK0.28)

5.     Giveaway Fund: 2% (TK0.28) (for development activities)

6.     Social Fund: 2% (TK0.28) (will be used for development of the locality)


7.     Emergency Fund: 2% (TK0.28) (for government to address the national emergency period)

8.     Security Fund: 1% (TK0.14)

9.     Software Management Fund: 1% (TK0.14)

Total: 100%


Note: to know details of the uses of the funds please read Operation Plan of the business.


Contribution of the initial investors

Here initial investors' contribution is praiseworthy. They are agreed to take maximum 50% profit that the business will earn all the time. Again, they are agreed to take new people as owners if the business become profitable and goes into expansion. It simply great!

Again, they have agreed to take the risk to invest on a new CONCEPT for doing business in a new way. Definitely, they will be part of the history, and the world will recognize their contribution in future. At the moment, considering their contribution they will be honored by the authority and they will work for it as Social Business Goodwill Ambassador.

Mind it; we are going to change the way of doing business!

Till now our Social Business Goodwill Ambassadors are as follows:


Rathindranath Pal

Dr. Sirajul Islam

Joyanta Ghosh

Shakil Alam Khan

Etushree Paul

Nurul Amin Chowdhury

Md. Kamruzzaman Khan

Md. Siddiqur Rahman

[You may join in this social movement.]


Please note: If you have the quality to be honest and believe in the progress of human civilization, then you can invest here otherwise not. A self-centered dishonest person cannot think in a way as the CONCEPT pursues. Therefore, it is not possible for them to invest here. 

Please note: We believe, this CONCEPT can be used to do all type of business, because each businesses has a different but specific target group (s).


Contact: E: rathindranathpal1@gmail.com