
1. What type of business is Dunia Super Store?

Dunia Super Store is a social business with a great INNOVATION. It will show a new way to do business aiming to 'Reducing the inequality gap in ownership of the wealth of the world' (which is one of the biggest problems of the world now). You know ownership of most of the wealth/resources of the world have been concentrating in the hands of a very few people!

Generally, DSS will work similar (looks like) to other super stores, e-commerce or other businesses. It will run as online and physical store simultaneously. By nature, it will be a chain shop and gradually will be operated from different places and countries. Depending on the size and volume, the name of the physical outlet will be different.

2. Purpose of the business.

Purpose of the business is to show a demonstration of the INNOVATION that the CONCEPT has potential for implementation.

3. What is the INNOVATION working behind the business?

The CONCEPT behind the business is given by Rathindranath Pal where he shows a new way to do business through which wealth of the world will not be accumulated in the hands of a few but many - that happens reversely in traditional business. As for example, AMAZON, one of the largest businesses of the world is owned by a single person. If AMAZON is run following this CONCEPT it could be owned by hundreds of thousands of people. The following is the definition of social business given by Mr. Pal.

Definition: A social business is a profitable but transparent and tax-paying joint venture by a group of people who are agreed to share at least 50% profit with co-owners (who are not investors but will play crucial role for the growth of the business) and for social causes, keeping provision to include them (or anybody interested to invest small money) as owners when the business grows and need expansion aiming to redistribution of resources to many hands so that ever increasing inequality gap in the ownership of the wealth can be checked, understanding among the people of the society (social capital) can be increased, governments can get fair taxes to build up the countries and ultimately the world can be a fair place having economic security for maximum.

[Read more on the Concept here blog: https://palsocialbusiness.blogspot.com]

4. What is the goal of the business?

The business itself has a goal. That is toensure the supply of quality products and services for the customers andservice receivers and to make a profitable business for the investors as well.

5. How the redistribution of resources to many hands will happen?

Here the customers will be owners ofthe business just by shopping and without any investment!


For the purpose, the business willdistribute 40% profit to the customers with the condition that they must investhalf of that amount when the business will grow and go into the expansion, andthey can withdrawal the rest half in cash any time once it is matured (such asminimum amount will be BDT 1000. In addition, new people may join as GeneralOwners with fresh investment. Thus, if the business creates scope in accumulatewealth that will not deposit in the hands of few Entrepreneur Owners only butto many hands (General Owners). 

6. What is the nature of ownership of the business?

Dunia Super Store is a joint venture.

There are two types of owners; first, who have started the business be called as Entrepreneur Owner (EO) second, who will invest and join any time in future as owner is called as General Owner (GO). The number of EO will remain the same but the number of GO will increase with the time if the business grows. Usually, EO has the risk of their investment but GO wouldn’t.

Therefore, the shares of the business will always rolling on. As for example, we have started the business with 10 investors who have invested (every investor did not invest equal amount) a total of $50000. Now they are the owner of the 100% share of the business and individual share is divided as per amount they invested in the business. Say, our business is growing, and after two years we decide to take more investors (who shown their interest and agreed on our terms and conditions) for the expansion of the business. At that time, first we will re-value of the business (not face value) and found that the value of the business is $100,000. At that time the capital of the business will be considered $100,000, and we take another 10 investors who will invest $100,000. Therefore, the total owner of the business will be 20 and the total capital/investment in the business will be $200,000 and the share of the 10 Entrepreneur owners will drop to 50% from initial 100% but their investment amount become double.

This process will continue through the life time of the business.

Now, anybody may ask that why we are not taking the loan for the bank or any other sources, and giving share of a profitable business to new people. Oh! It’s the mission of the business. 

7. What are the management systems of the business?

A two-tire management system will follow by DSS to avoid any unwanted incident, and to ensure the continuity and sustainability of it. In tire 1, initial investors, the Entrepreneurs Owners will form a management committee that will be the final decision maker. In tire 2, the General Owners (who will join in the next phases) will form a small management committee through proper election process that can look after the business and make recommendations for it, but the final decision will be taken by the tire 1 management committee. It should be noted here that the Entrepreneurs’ cannot undermine the legal right as the investor’s ownership of the business anyway. The two-tire management system is proposed because the number of the General Owners category will be increased over the time and that may be large; but they will get equal profit like the tire 1 investors. In absence of this special status of the Entrepreneurs the business may be collapsed.

8. How the customers will be owners of the business?

Any customer can be owner of thebusiness even if he is poor. Mind it, we cannot include a person who hasaccumulated a small amount through shopping – in that case he can add somemoney from his/her pocket or may wait for longer time. But he has a good butpotential way to accumulate more amounts quickly. It is its referral system. Wehave a new thinking for the small customers that we will share later.

9. How do we distribute our profit?

We will understand the sale margin as profit, as such if we buy a product by TK100 and sell it at TK120 we will think that we have made TK20 as profit. Therefore, we will distribute this TK20 instantly to many receivers.

First, of this sale margin (TK20=100%), 30% (TK6) will be send to a fund namely “Tax and Operating Cost” to meet up operating cost (20%) and tax (10% - will be kept to pay income taxes at the end of the fiscal year). After sending that money the remaining sale margin (TK14) will be considered as 100% and that will be distributed among the parties of this business in the following way instantly.


Entrepreneurs: 50% (TK7.0)

Direct customers: 30% (TK4.2) (when this amount will reach at TK1,000 the amount will be divided equally and shown under “Cash Ready for Withdrawal” and “Profit Earned for Investment” fund @50% each.

Referred customers: 10% (TK1.4) (if any customer is not referred by anybody in that case this 10% will be send to a fund namely “Miscellaneous Fund”)

Contingency Fund: 2% (TK0.28)

Giveaway Fund: 2% (TK0.28)

Social Fund: 2% (TK0.28) (for dev of the locality)

Emergency Fund: 2% (TK0.28) (for government to address the national emergency period)

Security Fund: 1% (TK0.14)

Software Management Fund: 1% (TK0.14)

Total: 100%

Note: to know details of the uses of the fund please read Operation Plan of the business.


10. Who are the Entrepreneur Owners of the business?

The Entrepreneurs of the business aretaking the risk to invest on a new CONCEPT for doing business in a new way.Definitely, they will be part of the history if the business become success andthe world will recognize their contribution in future. At the moment,considering their contribution they will be honored by the authority and theywill be entitled as Social Business Goodwill Ambassador. Think, we are going tochange the way to do business!

Tillnow our Social Business Goodwill Ambassadors are as follows:

Prof.Dr. Sirajul Islam (USA)


NurulAmin Chowdhury

Md.Kamruzzaman Khan

ShakilAlam Khan

Etushree Paul

Md.Fakhrul Alam


[youmay join with us]

11. What type of products will be sold by the business?

It will sell everything through its global network but be specific in the items those are legal in any specific country.

12. Its policy towards honesty and transparency.

It will be the first 100% honest, transparent business in the world. All the information (except some info personal in nature or that may harmful for security) will be open for all.